Working Principle of Sealing Elements

Working Principle of Sealing Elements

Sealing elements are machine elements that are used to prevent the oil, liquid in the machines or systems from coming out and the outside liquid and dust from entering inside, and they are necessary for the machine to work properly.
Sealing elements can be divided into two main classes as static sealing elements and dynamic sealing elements. Static sealing elements are used to prevent leakage between stationary elements. Dynamic sealing elements are used to prevent leakage between elements that are moving relative to each other.

ΔP = P1 - P2

Q = π.d. ΔP.S3 / 12. µ.L

Q → Oil flow rate

ΔP → Pressure Difference

S → Clearance between cylinder and shaft

µ → Viscosity

Above is the formulation of the amount of oil flow. The effect of pressure difference, diameter, length, S space is seen. The 2-fold increase in the S gap means an 8-fold increase in the oil flow.
S space cannot be "0" for the system to operate. Therefore, a sealing element is required in these systems. O-rings can be examined for the working condition of the sealing elements.

Picture number 1 is that the o-ring is under low pressure.

In picture number 2, the o-ring has reached a certain pressure range.

In picture number 3, the o-ring is extruded into the "S" space under high pressure.

- By using the support ring in the picture numbered 4, extrusion of the o-ring towards the s gap can be prevented.
O-rings or sealing elements can change form under the load they are subjected to. This change is a non-linear change due to the material structure. If it is desired to analyze with the finite element method, the non-linear change of the o-ring should be considered.

As seen above, O-ring stresses are seen. The highest stress occurs in the red zone, while the least stress occurs in the blue zone